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There are positive things you can do that will help you stay safe from exploitation:

  • Try not to cut yourself off from your family and people who care about you - talk to them about anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or contact the support helplines on our website
  • Think about the places you are spending your time - are those places safe? Are the people in those places safe? Is there a nearby safe location such as a shop, library or cafe? 
  • Think about who you are following and connecting with on social media - think before you post or reply
  • Think about the people you are spending time with - is this healthy relationship? Use the support helplines if you feel you can't talk to anyone you know about how you feel
  • If you are not at home, make sure a parent, carer or trusted friend knows where you are
  • Make sure your phone is charged

Getting involved in a physical activity or a local sports club is a great way to meet new people and improve your mental health. If you’re not sure where to start, try Norfolk Community Directory or the Norfolk County Council website. If you prefer, you could focus on other hobbies, such as music, reading or art.

YMCA Norfolk has Youth Projects across Norfolk, which give young people the chance to get together and take part in activities.

The Benjamin Foundation runs youth groups across Norfolk, which offer support to young people while having fun.