If you need help or think someone is at risk of exploitation in Norfolk, there are several ways you can report your concerns, either by giving your details or by reporting anonymously (without giving your details):
For someone over 18:
- Call 101 to speak to Norfolk Police; in an emergency always call 999
- Report online to Norfolk Police
- Call 0344 800 8020 and speak to someone at Norfolk Adult Social Services
- Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 - you do not need to give any details about yourself
- Report anonymously to Crimestoppers online
For someone under 18:
- Call 101 to speak to Norfolk Police; in an emergency always call 999
- Report online to Norfolk Police
- Call 0344 800 8020* and speak to someone at Norfolk Children’s Advice and Duty Service
- Call Fearless on 0800 555 111 - you do not need to give any details about yourself
- Report anonymously to Fearless online
- If you are a professional, i.e. working with a child or young person in a formal or voluntary setting and not a family member or member of the public, you can contact the Children’s Advice and Duty Service on their direct line:0344 800 8021
- If you are worried about something sexual that has happened to you or someone else online, you can tell the Police by making a report to the Child Exploitation and Protection Command (CEOP)